Modifying the HTML HEAD

25 Jun 2015 . tech . Comments #tutorial

In the _config.yml, find and set the variables of the Head section:

# HTML Head #

author: "John Smith"
lang: "en"
title: "{ John Smith }"
favicon: "/img/favicon.ico"
description: "Blog and website of John Smith, blogging mainly for tech. Opinions expressed are mine."
keywords: "smith, jones, personal, Jekyll, theme"

The values that you set, will be placed in the head section of every generated HTML page.

Don’t forget to set the configurations for your site’s url and Google tracking id:

url: ""
google-tracking-id: ""

The url is essential to be set, because it’s used in many places across the theme.

The Google tracking code will be placed in every generated page. If you don’t want Google tracking, set it to an empty string, or simply remove the definition from the configuration file.

If you are using { Personal } as a Github repository theme, set the repository name as the site.baseurl, in the site configuration file. This step is essential, since its related to file paths! And when you serve the website locally, don’t forget to set the baseurl to an empty string, like this:

jekyll serve --baseurl ""

Many thanks to @prashantsolanki3 for the language support!