Setting up the Blog

20 Jun 2015 . tech . Comments #tutorial

A website is truly personal if it’s your blog as well, this place of the internet where you can place your thoughts about anything!

First of all, you get a preview of the latest post in the index, in order to attract the visitor to visit your blog. The size of this preview is defined by:

post-preview-words: 128

Feel free to experiment with different sizes, and pick the best for you.

A blog is expected to host many posts, so you will need an archive with pagination, which in a nutshell it’s a grouping of your posts in pages, in reverse chronological order. You can define the number of posts that are displayed per page by changing:

paginate: 5

You can select the social network share buttons that you want under each post from:

fb-share: True
twitter-share: True
reddit-share: True

And you can enable Disqus comments by just setting your Disqus username here:

disqus-shortname: ""