Writing posts

19 Jun 2015 . tech . Comments #tutorial

Run the ./scripts/newpost script with the file name of the post as an argument:

cd <your { personal } repo>
./scripts/newpost hello-world

A a new post template with name YYYY-MM-DD-hello-world.md will be created under ./_posts, with the current date.

In the created post, just replace the Title, Category and tags and you can start writing your post in markdown right bellow the end of the post header.

Every file with the format YYYY-MM-DD-post-title.md will be processed as a post, with publication date YYYY-MM-DD.

The content starts with:

layout: post
section-type: post
title: Title
category: Category
tags: [ 'tag1', 'tag2' ]

The layout and section-type are used by the theme.

Note: { Personal } generates a static page, just like all Jekyll themes. As a result we have to create the tag pages before building and publishing the site.

In order to generate the tag pages, simply run the generate-tags script from the repo’s root directory:


The script will parse all your posts, and generate the tag pages for the newly added tags.

If you are not using Github Pages, you can automate the execution of this script during build time.