Who is this guy?

Good… question… Quite frankly, that’s something I’ve been trying to figure out my whole life, but I think I’m getting closer. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far. I’m a Jeeva currently living in Coimbatore — an incredibly beautiful region close to the Western Ghats. I’m interest in exploring new technologies. I work on C/UNIX and I’m familiar with few other technologies Python, CSS, HTML, JavaScript. Apart from this I love to travel and explore places. Since I have bachelor degree in mechanical engineering I can understand concepts behind the huge machineries. Interested to explore physics also I’m interested to explain the concepts.

Thanks for checking out my personal website. I’m looking forward to connecting with you!


27 Jun 2015 . tech . Welcome to { Personal } Jekyll Theme! Comments

Click the view more posts link bellow, to see the currently available post-tutorials to help you get your { Personal } website up and running quicker!

Note that every time you update the site configuration (_config.yml), you will need to cancel the serving (Ctr + C) and serve the website again.

Any contributions, feedback and issues to the repo are more than welcome!

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  • June 2016 - today

    After 5 year of working with Cognizant moved in to lowe’s, exploring lowe’s with an wide angle.

  • January 2011 - today

    Started learning from the basic of programming(c/c++ unix) to an expert developer.

  • January 2006 - May 2010

    Completed my Bachelor Degree


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